Workforce Development

Workforce Development
The Choctaw Workforce Development Program provides services to Tribal Members in all Choctaw Communities and serves as a one stop center for Vocational Education, Adult Education, Job Training and Job Placement Opportunities etc. There are seven programs under the umbrella of the Choctaw Workforce Development Program.
The mission of the Choctaw Workforce Development Program is to provide services to students and clients for educational advancement, job training and job placement opportunities for eligible Tribal Members.
Pearl River Manpower Building plus Annex # 1 & # 2
8:00a.m. until 4:30p.m.
(601) 663-7444
The Employment & Training Program provides 8 Weeks Work Experience Program for eligible Tribal Members. In addition, the program has a Summer Youth Services Program in the month of June each year. For more info call (601) 650-7386.
1. The Day Training Program provides job training daily for eligible Tribal Members. For more info call (601) 650-1766.
2. The Vocational & Employment Services Program provides 90 Day Job Training and Vocational Education opportunities for eligible Tribal Members. For more info call (601) 650-1745
3. The Vocational Rehabilitation Program provides individualized employment support services to eligible Tribal members who experience a physical or mental condition that impacts employment. For more info call (601) 650-7332.
4. The Adult Education Program provides the Test of Adult Education (TABE), Basic Education Classes and GED Preparation Classes. For more info call (601) 650-1756.
5. The Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCEP) provides job training for eligible Tribal members ages 55 & up. For more info call (601) 663-7474.
6. The Choctaw WIN Job Center provides clients with access to statewide job openings after registration etc.
For more info call (601) 663-7722.
Employment & Training
Employment and Training has a mission to assist in the development of the talent of tribal members which will enable them to find productive employment on the reservation or in nearby off-reservation setting. There is strength in numbers.
Contact Information
Fax: 601-656-3953
Employment & Training’s physical location is the third building on the left-hand side of the Manpower building.
Mailing Address:
115 Annex Circle
Choctaw, MS 39350
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
The purpose of the WIOA program is to support Employment and Training activities for Indian and Native Americans to:
- Develop more fully the academic, occupational and literacy skills of such individuals
- Make individuals more competitive in the workforce
- Promote the economic and social development of the Indian and Native American communities in accordance with goals and values of such communities
This program is funded by U. S. Department of Labor. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Program serves approximately 58 participants yearly.
Services provided under the WIOA program are Career, Supportive, and Training.
• Members of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
• Native Americans from a Federally Recognized Tribe who resides near Mississippi Choctaw Tribal lands
• Must be unemployed, underemployed, or low-income
• Must reside in the service delivery area
Individuals interested in applying for this program must go to the Employment & Training office to apply in person.
Supplemental Youth Services Program
The purpose of Supplemental Youth Services Program is to provide Supplemental Employment and Training and related services to low-income Indian and Native American youth on or near Mississippi Choctaw Tribal lands. This program is funded by U. S. Department of Labor. Supplemental Youth Services program serves approximately 25 participants yearly.
Services provided under the Supplemental Youth Services program are work experience training, classroom training, career assessment, job readiness training, and youth leadership training.
- Must be an American Indian
- Must reside in the service delivery area
- Must be low-income
- Must be between the ages of 14-24
- Must have registered with selected services if applicable for males
Individuals interested in applying for this program must go to the Employment & Training office to apply in person.
Native Employment Works (NEW)
The purpose of the Native Employment Works (NEW) Program is to provide work-related activities to support Job Readiness, Job Placement, and Job Retention for designated Native American populations and service area. This program is funded by Department of Health and Human Services. The Native Employment Works program serves approximately 20 participants yearly.
Services provided under the Native Employment Works program are work experience training, classroom training, supportive services/job retention, and job search/job placement.
- Members of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
- Native American from a Federally Recognized Tribe who resides in the service delivery area
- Recipient of TANF
- Low-income
- Unemployed
- Underemployed
Individuals interested in applying for this program must go to the Employment & Training office to apply in person.
Day Training Program
The Choctaw Day Training (CDT) Program offers opportunities for participants daily, short term assignments within the Tribal Government. Participants who have a desire to work but are unsuccessful in finding permanent job opportunities find the CDT program assists them with basic daily necessities. These roles can lead to referrals for future full-time employment if the trainees have excellent work habits.
The CDT program is Monday through Friday, trainees must complete the full seven-hour day and will receive a stipend for that time. The application process takes two to three weeks because of extensive requirement checks.
Contact Information
Main line: 601-650-1766
Director: 601-504-3249
127 Annex Circle
Choctaw, MS 39350
Hours: 8:00 – 12:00, 1:00 – 4:30 (Monday – Friday)
- Individuals must be 18 and older
- MBCI enrolled member
- Unemployed
- No income of any kind (SSI, Royalties, Unemployment insurance, Etc.)
Vocational & Employment Services
The Choctaw Vocational & Employment Services Program was transferred to the Division of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation October 1, 1995. Through the Vocational Rehabilitation, and Adult Education Programs, the division was able to offer a strong system of intake, evaluation, and placement which is used to determine the educational and training needs, job interest, and special medical or related health problems of the entering adult. The programs were able to offer individuals training, support services, employment placement, and follow-up services.
The Choctaw Vocational & Employment Services Program’s Mission and Vision Statement is to provide training to all tribal members with the skills and ability to obtain gainful employment. The program’s goal is to increase the number of successful tribal members obtaining job skills necessary for the transition for full-time employment. The program offers financial assistance, supportive services, and job counseling services.
Contact Information
(601) 650-1745
- Must be unemployed.
- Must be 18 years old.
Application Documentation Requirements:
- Certificate Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
- Driver’s License or Tribal ID
- Social Security Card
- Selective Service registration (between the ages of 18 – 26 years old
Individuals who are interested in submitting in application for services may pick up an application at the Manpower Training Center.
Employment Assistance Program
In 1975, the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians contracted the Employment Assistance Program from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The program has helped enrolled tribal members attend college.
The program’s main objective is to assist the adult Indian population in obtaining job skills necessary for full-time employment. The Employment Assistance Program provides one and two year Vocational and Technical training at various colleges. Upon successful completion of training, the student will receive an Associate of Applied Science Degree or a Certificate of completion.
Contact Us
(601) 650-1745
Location /Hours
Pearl River Manpower Building
8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (Monday – Friday)
- Must be an adult Indian residing on or near the reservation.
- Must be between the ages of 18 to up. Exceptions will be made to high school graduates who are 17.
- Must be a full-time student, fifteen (15) or more college credit hours taken per semester.
- Must be accepted by the training institution that you plan to attend.
- Must be enrolled in a vocational or technical program of study.
- Must have a high school diploma or a G.E.D. equivalent.
- Must be a certified member of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.
- Must need training to obtain reasonable and satisfactory employment. This includes providing skills for a new occupation or upgrading skills in a present occupation.
- No more than two (2) repeat training services will be allowed. Repeat training services will be given lower priority than the initial application for training. Applicants for repeat training will be determined on an individual basis, considering need, ability, prior performance, and present motivation of the applicant. In order to be in need of repeat training an applicant must have a 2.0 grade point average or higher, in good standing must not be on probation or suspension, unemployed, underemployed, or unable to work in his/her primary occupation due to physical or other disabilities.
Career & Technical Program
Since 1981, the Career & Technical Education Program has been and continues to be an essential tool for the economic development initiatives of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, providing much of the labor force training needed by the tribal government, including tribal schools, entities, and health care systems. As a direct result of this strong, collaborative effort, the vocational education program is a direct contributor to the dramatic improvements seen in the health and socioeconomic status of tribal members.
The primary objective of Career & Technical Education is to train, retrain, and prepare an essentially unprepared labor force for employment in the growing reservation labor market. The program offers financial assistance, supportive services, testing, vocational counseling, or guidance to enhance participants career choices. Career & Technical Education’s responsibility is to ensure that graduates are job-ready upon completion of their training.
Contact Information
(601) 650-1745
Location /Hours
Pearl River Manpower Building
8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (Monday – Friday)
- Must be an adult Indian residing on or near the reservation.
- Must be between the ages of 18 and up. Exceptions will be made to high school graduates who are 17.
- Must be a full-time student, fifteen (15) or more college credit hours taken per semester.
- Must be accepted by the training institution that you plan to attend.
- Must be enrolled in a vocational or technical program of study.
- Must have a high school diploma or a G.E.D. equivalent.
- Must be a certified member of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.
- Must need training to obtain reasonable and satisfactory employment. This includes providing skills for a new occupation or upgrading skills in a present occupation.
No more than two (2) repeat training services will be allowed. Repeat training services will be given lower priority than the initial application for training. Applicants for repeat training will be determined on an individual basis, considering need, ability, prior performance, and present motivation of the applicant. To be in need of repeat training an applicant must have a 2.0 grade point average or higher, in good standing must not be on probation or suspension, unemployed, underemployed, or unable to work in his/her primary occupation due to physical or other disabilities.
Vocational Rehabilitation Program
In 1987, the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians received its first funding from the Rehabilitation Services Administration to operate a Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program to meet the intense employment needs of Tribal members who experience physical or mental impairments which significantly impact their employment.
The program strives to support Tribal members who experience these impairments to become integral and active parts of the Tribe’s and its neighboring counties’ economic societies through a wide array of individualized and group vocational rehabilitation services provided in a collaborative nature with other tribal service provision agencies – all leading up to a successful competitive and integrated employment outcome; and ultimately great change in Choctaw individuals’ with disabilities lives.
The program provides vocational rehabilitation services to enrolled Native American individuals with disabilities living on or near the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians’ reservation (within a 50-mile radius of Tribal lands, within the boundaries of the State of Mississippi) consistent with their individual strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, and informed choice.
Business Hours: Monday-Friday; 8:00-4:30
601 650-7332
601 650-7333
601 650-7335
TTY 601 650 7354
Fax 601 656-1902
Located in the Manpower Training Center, Pearl River Community
266 Industrial Road
Choctaw Branch Box 6010
Choctaw, Mississippi 39350
Step 1: Application for Services
Call our office or fill out one of the forms below:
Step 2: Assessment For Determining Eligibility And Vocational Rehabilitation Needs
Once you have applied for services, a diagnostic evaluation will be necessary to determine if you are eligible for services. The funding agency sets out the eligibility criteria that one must meet in order to receive services in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in Section 102 (a); and in regulation 34 CFR 371.6.
An individual is eligible for services if the individual:
(A) has undergone an assessment for determining eligibility and rehabilitation needs and as a result has been determined to be an individual with a disability under 7(20)(A) of the Act [ (i) has a physical or mental impairment which for such individual results in a substantial impediment to employment; (ii) can benefit in terms of an employment outcome from Vocational Rehabilitation Services]; and
(B) requires Vocational Rehabilitation Services to prepare for, secure, retain, advance in, or regain employment that is consistent with the individual’s strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice. [Employment is defined as full or part-time work, at or above federal minimum –wage, with equal benefits as other employees, and in an integrated setting]
(C) be a Tribally-enrolled American Indian individual who lives on or near the Choctaw Indian Reservation* [you must show a valid Tribal Enrollment card which indicates your address OR another proof of address if you provide a Certificate Degree of Indian Blood that includes your Tribal Enrollment #]
*within a 50-mile radius of reservation land within the boundaries of the state of Mississippi.
(D) be registered with Selective Service, if applicable.
If you meet these requirements, you will be found eligible for services.
Physical or mental impairments must be diagnosed by professionals either in the medical or mental health fields. If you are a proven Social Security Administration disability benefits recipient or beneficiary, your possession of an impairment is presumed, and assessments can continue during your rehabilitation planning.
Step 3: Writing Your Individualized Plan For Employment (IPE)
If you are eligible for services, within 90 days of your eligibility decision (or longer if you both agree), your Rehabilitation Counselor will work with you to plan a program of rehabilitation services that will help you to meet your goals. This is called the Individualized Plan for Employment or IPE for short.
Efforts will be made to provide a broad scope of Vocational Rehabilitation Services in a manner that is comparable in quality and outcomes to the State VR Agency. [34 CFR 371.21 (a)], while remaining relevant to your culture, language, and geographic access.
The exciting thing about the Individualized Plan for Employment is that it is developed especially for your unique situation by you with help from your Rehabilitation Counselor and anyone else from whom you would like to receive input. It is important that both of you work together to develop the plan. Your Rehabilitation Counselor’s expertise in rehabilitation and knowledge of the resources available to help you in your progress are very important. Equally important are your thoughts, goals, and needs. Working together, you can make the plan a successful one.
Step 5: Case Closure Upon Obtainment of Your Employment Outcome
Mississippi Society for Disabilities – Client Assistant Program:
Adult Basic Education
The Choctaw Adult Education (ABE) program began serving the Choctaw community in 1972. From its inception, the program has placed maximum emphasis on community involvement, thus classes are taught in each of the Tribe’s eight communities. Years of service have allowed the program to reflect growth of the tribe in its changing program activities. However, one thing has remained constant-the program maintains its fundamental components of basic skills enhancement, GED preparation, ESL skills and improved their education/occupational skills
The Mission of Choctaw Adult Education is to improve the quality of life in each community through excellence in teaching, diverse learning opportunities and services and visionary leadership. Choctaw Adult Education notes the following value statement in developing its mission: We believe that adults are worthwhile individuals accountable for their own behavior and capable of achieving their full potential for the betterment of themselves, their families, their communities, and all Choctaw people.
Basic Education Classes and GED Preparation
Students entering the program are given the Test of Adult Education (TABE) to determine their current academic level. Using the results from this test, each student has an individualized plan (IEP) developed. The IEP‘s are used to group students for classroom instruction as well monitor achievement. These students are taught using various methods including one-on-one, small groups, classroom lectures, computer assisted instruction, as well as self-directed studies. Upon teacher recommendation, students are given the practice test to take the GED exam. Once a year, graduates are given graduation ceremony at the Pearl River Resort.
Contact Information
Fax: 601-650-1743
Choctaw Adult Education physical location is:
266 Industrial Road
Choctaw, MS 39350
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 6010
Choctaw, MS 39350
To participate in the Choctaw Adult Education Program, the individual must meet the following requirements:
- Must be eighteen years or older
- Must obtain a Compulsory Attendance waiver, if under 18 years of age
- Must be at least ¼ Degree of Federally
- Recognized Tribe with the Bureau of Indians Affair funding and 1/2 or more for Tribal Revenue
- Must reside on or near the Choctaw Reservation
Requirement for High School Equivalency Exam (GED)
- Must be 18 years of age or older
- Seventeen years of age or younger, must have approval from the Choctaw Tribal Chief under Compulsory School Attendance Waiver with a withdrawal form from the last school attended
- Must have parents sign and notarize form for applicants under the age of 17
- Required to complete a personal data sheet to qualify for payment of the test
- Must take a TABE test and make 146 or higher to take the GED test for each section
- Must have a current picture ID
Basic Support Service
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
- Child Care Service
- Drivers Education
- Arts and Craft
- Referrals
- Educational and employment Counseling
- Educational Field Trip
Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP)
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a community service and work-based job training program for older Americans. Authorized by the Older Americans Act, the program provides training for low-income, unemployed seniors. Participants also have access to employment assistance through WIN Job Centers.
SCSEP participants gain work experience in a variety of community service activities at non-profit and public facilities, including schools, hospitals, daycare centers, and senior centers. The program provides over 40 million community service hours to public and non-profit agencies, allowing them to enhance and provide needed services. Participants work an average of 20 hours a week and are paid the federal minimum wage. This training serves as a bridge to unsubsidized employment opportunities for participants.
Contact Us
(601) 650-7474 or (601) 650-7444
Pearl River Manpower Building Annex # 2
266 Industrial Road/PO Box 6010
Choctaw, MS 39350
8:00a.m. until 4:30p.m.
Participants must be at least 55, unemployed, and have a family income of no more than 125% of the federal poverty level. Enrollment priority is given to veterans and qualified spouses, then to individuals who are over 65, have a disability, have low literacy skills or limited English proficiency, reside in a rural area, are homeless or at risk of homelessness, have low employment prospects, or have failed to find employment after using services through the WIN Job Center system.
- Unemployed
- Agee 55 and older
- Low Income
- Family Income Poverty Guideline no more than 125%
Can be picked up at the Choctaw Workforce Development Program SCSEP Office.
Choctaw WIN Job Center
The goal of the Mississippi Department of Employment Security is to help Mississippians get jobs. Through their network of WIN Job Centers, MDES matches qualified prospective employees with employers.
Mission Statement:
Helping Mississippians Get Jobs. The WIN Job Center offers job training to sharpen work skills to make one more competitive in the job market.
MDES also administers unemployment benefits to Mississippians who have lost jobs through no fault of their own. In sum, MDES works to expand employment, improve workforce skills and enhance productivity in our state.
Contact Information
(601) 663-7722
Pearl River Manpower Building Annex # 2
8:30a.m. until 4:30p.m. (Open Fridays only with exception of holidays)
Clients must be unemployed. To complete and applications, clients must come to the WIN Job Center and fill-out an application to start receiving services.

©2025 Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians